All techniques are obverse unless otherwise stated
All techniques are middle unless otherwise stated
All techniques are front unless otherwise stated
The pattern moves listed in this book are structured in the following order with few exceptions:
Lower body
Pivot, move, maintain
Which foot, if pivot
Direction – clockwise, counterclockwise
Move which foot
Move direction *
Stance direction *
Upper body
Height **
Obverse, reverse, or the side ***
Body facing ****
Technique direction *
Further explanation of conventions used are listed below.
* If all three Directions on the floor:
• move direction
• stance direction
• technique direction
of a move are to the same direction, then only one direction is given.
Example of the convention:
Chon-ji, Move 1: Pivot on the right foot and turn counterclockwise; move the left foot toward B into a left walking stance while executing a low, block with the outer forearm.
Since the move direction, stance direction, and technique direction are all to B, then the direction is only listed once.
Example where convention is not used:
Chon-ji, Move 18: Move the right foot toward C into a left walking stance toward D while executing a punch with the forefist toward D.
Since all three directions are not the same, all three directions are listed.
** If the level of a technique is not listed, then it is middle.
Example of convention:
Chon-ji, Move 2: Move the right foot toward B into a right walking stance while executing a punch with the forefist.
No height is listed, therefore, the punch is middle.
Example where convention is not used:
Chon-ji, Move 1: Pivot on the right foot and turn counterclockwise; move the left foot toward B into a left walking stance while executing a low, block with the outer forearm.
The technique is low, therefore, it is listed.
*** If the side of the technique is not listed, then it is obverse.
Example of the convention:
Chon-ji, Move 1: Pivot on the right foot and turn counterclockwise; move the left foot toward B into a left walking stance while executing a low, block with the outer forearm
No side is listed, therefore, it is obverse (left hand).
Example where convention is not used:
Do-San, Move 24: Move the left foot to the right foot, and then move the right foot toward A into a sitting stance toward D, while executing a right, side, strike with the knife-hand toward A.
Sitting stance does not have an obverse or reverse so the term “right” is used.
**** If the body facing not listed, then it is full.
Example of the convention:
Chon-ji, Move 2: Move the right foot toward B into a right walking stance while executing a punch with the forefist.
No facing is listed, therefore, the move is full facing.
Example where convention is not used:
Chon-ji, Move 9: Pivot on the right foot and turn counterclockwise; move the left foot toward A into a right L-stance while executing a reverse, side, block with the inner forearm.
The block is denoted as a side, block with the inner forearm.